PFP Wiki
  1. Founding
  2. Tabularized

Information on this page is transposed from an old PFP website and supplimented by an oral retelling by Dr.Chiu.


Several administrators in the College of Engineering took interest in the FIRST program and devised an effort to explore the program. In the spring of 1999 Associate Dean Warren Stevenson along with faculty and graduate students, visited the FIRST National Championship event at the Walt Disney Epcot Center in Orlando Florida. In the fall of that year, PSEF (Purdue Student Engineering Foundation) was approached to add a FIRST team to their extensive list of outreach activities. This effort was spearheaded by Shanna Snap, alum of FRC46 and freshman at the time.

After the new students forged a partnership with Steve Florence, a local high school technology teacher, their cohesive effort resulted in the formation of the FRC team 461 Westside Boiler Invasion in 2000. The FRC team was a huge success and began to expand, eventually it began to overshadow all of PSEF’s other outreach activities. It became evident that the FIRST program needed to separate from PSEF and become its own entity. In 2004 the Purdue FIRST Programs was an officially recognized independent student organization.


Year Significant Events
F99-S00 Creation as PSEF activity
Formation of FRC 461
F01-S02 Start of ME297 Class (Julia Badger)
F02-S03 First PFP FLL Tournament
Obtained Provost support ($25k/yr match, Patrick Wesonga)
Separate FRC & FLL Director positions
F03-S04 Planning for FRC regional
F04-S05 Separation from PSEF
Formation of FRC 1646
First Boilermaker Regional
F05-S06 Formation of FRC 1747
Planning for Vex Tournament
F06-S07 Vex Tournament
F07-S08 Collaboration with Purdue Space Day
F08-S09 Collaboration with 4H
F09-S10 ?
F10-S11 ?
F11-S12 ?
F12-S13 ?
F13-S14 Last Boilermaker Regional (Indiana transitions to District)
F14-S15 ?
F15-S16 ?
F16-S17 First Boiler Bot Battle
F17-S18 ?
F18-S19 ?
F19-S20 COVID-19 Pandemic
F20-S21 ?
F21-S22 ?
F22-S23 End of ME297 Class
F23-S24 ?