PFP Wiki
  1. Volunteering
  2. General Etiquette
  3. Program Specifics (links)


There are many competitions that PFP may volunteer at, covering all levels of FIRST programming.

General Etiquette

Remember who you are representing when you are volunteering at events, consider your surroundings and who might be listening. You are a role model! Students are observing you and your actions. You must abide by the YPP regulations of Purdue University and FIRST.


  • Be positive!
  • Maintain the highest standards of personal behavior.
  • Be aware of how our actions and intentions are perceived.


  • Swear and use inappropriate language.
  • Make sexually suggestive comments or risque jokes.
  • Refrain from PDA in the presence of minors.
  • Haze, harass, or bully.
  • Share private information.
  • Be negative to others.

FIRST Robotics Competition Logo
FIRST Robotics Tech Challenge
FIRST Lego League